Top 31 Hive Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Hive Interview Questions

Hive Interview Questions for Freshers & Experienced

Here are Hive interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced candidates to get their dream job

List of the Most Frequently Asked Hive Interview Questions

1.Explain what a Hive is.

Hive is an ETL and Data warehousing tool developed on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Hive Interview Questions is a data warehouse framework for querying and analyzing HDFS-stored data. Hive is open-source software that lets programmers analyze large data sets on Hadoop.

2.When to use Hive Interview Questions?

  • Hive Interview Questions is practical when making data warehouse applications
  • When you are dealing with static data instead of dynamic data
  • When the application is on high latency (high response time)
  • When a large data set is maintained
  • When we are using queries instead of scripting

3.Mention the different modes of Hive Interview Questions.

Depending on the size of data nodes in Hadoop, Hive Interview Questions can operate in two modes. These modes are,

  • Local mode
  • Map reduce mode
hive interview question

List of the Most Frequently Asked Hive Interview Questions

Depending on the size of data nodes in Hadoop, Hive can operate in two modes. These modes are,

  • Local mode
  • Map reduce mode

4.List the advantages of HTTP/2 over HTTP 1.1.

The advantage of HTTP/2 compared to HTTP/1.1 is

  • HTTP headers data compression
  • Server push technologies
  • Over a single TCP connection, parallel loading of page elements
  • Prioritization of request

5.Explain what an ETag is and how it works.

An ETag is an opaque identifier allocated by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL. The ETag is a part of HTTP, the protocol for the World Wide Web, and when the server reads the ETag from a client request, the server can then tell whether to send the file (HTTP 200) or say to the client to use their local copy (HTTP 304).

6.Explain what long polling is.

Long polling is a web application development pattern used to emulate pushing data from the server to the client. When long polling is employed, the client sends a request to the server, and the connection remains intact until the server is ready to send data to the client. The connection will be closed only after the data is sent back to the client or a connection timeout occurs.

7.Explain what DTD (Document Type Declaration) is. Mention the difference between CDATA and PCDATA in DTD.

A DTD is a Document Type Definition (DTD) that defines the structure, legal elements, and attributes of an XML document.

  • PCDATA: A PCDATA is a Parsed Character Data. XML parsers usually parse all the text in an XML document.
  • CDATA: While CDATA is an Unparsed Character Data, CDATA refers to text data that the XML parser should not parse.

8.What tips can you use to reduce the load time of a web application you have written?

To decrease the load time of a web application, you have to follow the following tips

  • Optimize images to no longer than screen resolution and save it as a compressed file
  • Eliminate all JavaScript files to reduce the amount of transferable data
  • Combine & Minify all CSS and JS and call them in the footer
  • Defer or Asynch JS Files

9.What is the correct way to include JavaScript in your HTML?

The correct way to include JavaScript into your HTML is by using inline event handlers or code.

10Explain in CSS how you can change the background colour of a form element when the user enters text. Does this work in all browsers?

Yes, you can change the default look of form elements by styling their HTML tags: input, select, and text area, but this will not work for all browsers.

  1. Explain the difference between cookies and local storage.

  11.Cookies Local Storage

Client/ Server Side Data is accessible both on the client and server sides. The data is sent to the server side with every cookie request. Only on the local browser side is data accessible. The server cannot use local storage until deliberately sent a request is made to the server via POST or GET

Size The Storage capacity of cookies is 4095 bytes/cookie, and the Storage capacity of local storage is 5MB per domain.

Expiration Cookies have expiration, and cookie data gets deleted after some time There is no expiration, and it has to be removed manually

12.In HTML, what tag can be used to control multi-line text input?

You can use the “textarea tag” for multi-line text input control.

13.Explain how you can refer to the CSS files on the web page.

You can refer to the. CSS file in the webpage by using the <link> tag. It should be kept between <head></head>tag. For example 

14.List out a few ways you can reduce page load time.

You can do the following things to reduce the page load time

  • Reduce image size
  • Remove unnecessary widgets
  • HTTP compression
  • Placing CSS at the top and script reference at the bottom or in external files
  • Reduce lookups
  • Minimize redirects
  • Caching,

15.In HTML, mention the difference between <div> and <frame>.

The difference between <div> and <frame> is that a <div>

Frame Div

With frames, you can show more than one HTML document in the same browser window The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.

The frame tag declares one particular window within a frameset The <div> is used to group block elements to format them with styles.

Frames can load other resources using HTML On the other hand, page divisions can serve local content in the manner of the frames, but that content is not independent of the page, though

16.How is XHTML different from HTML?

  • XHTML requires that all tags should be in lowercase
  • XHTML requires that all tags should be closed properly
  • XHTML requires that all attributes be enclosed in double quotes
  • XHTML forbids inline elements from containing block-level elements

17.List out the new APIs provided by the HTML 5 standard.

  • HTML 5 comes with several new APIs
  • Media API
  • Text Track API
  • Application Cache API
  • Data transfer API
  • User Interaction
  • Command API
  • Constraint Validation API
  • History API

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Saad Mushtaq is an entrepreneur and founder of Techsponsor. He specializes in search engine optimization and digital marketing and has been fascinated with SEO since 2015. He aims to share the best tips and news about search engine marketing to help you get more website traffic.

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